Circular Economy for Business Sites


Etude d’un concept “Economie circulaire” pour les Zones d’Activités Economiques (ZAE) LuxembourgeoisesExemple de la ZAE de Lentzweiler Eselborn “Op der Sang”
Development of a set of circular objectives and indicators as well as a roadmap with concrete measures for the extension of an existing business site / industrial zone in Northern Luxembourg. The methodology is tested for the ZAE Lentzweiler, in close collaboration with the « Syndicat Intercommunal pour la Promotion du Canton de Clervaux (SICLER) » and will be generalised for application to similar projects in Luxembourg.

The outcomes of the study have been presented beginning of December 2017, see our blog entry.

CLIENT | Luxembourg Ministry of Economy
PERIOD  | 2016 / 2017
DURATION | 12 months
PARTNERS | Progroup, EPEA, Royal Haskoning