Circular Economy for Business Sites


Etude d’un concept “Economie circulaire” pour les Zones d’Activités Economiques (ZAE) LuxembourgeoisesExemple de la ZAE de Lentzweiler Eselborn “Op der Sang”
Development of a set of circular objectives and indicators as well as a roadmap with concrete measures for the extension of an existing business site / industrial zone in Northern Luxembourg. The methodology is tested for the ZAE Lentzweiler, in close collaboration with the „Syndicat Intercommunal pour la Promotion du Canton de Clervaux (SICLER)“ and will be generalised for application to similar projects in Luxembourg.

The outcomes of the study have been presented beginning of December 2017, see our blog entry.

CLIENT | Luxembourg Ministry of Economy
PERIOD  | 2016 / 2017
DURATION | 12 months
PARTNERS | Progroup, EPEA, Royal Haskoning