Circularity Datasets Standardization – Phase 1


As a leading EU country in the transition towards a circular economy, the Ministry of Economy of Luxembourg is supporting an initiative on standardizing circularity datasets. The ultimate goal of this initiative is to establish a de facto industry standard in order to:

  • fill a gap in marketplace data for the circular economy (CE),
  • save costs for manufacturers and other stakeholders who are being asked to provide similar CE data in many different formats,
  • improve CE data sharing efficiencies across supply chains,
  • protect the integrity of data to assure its reliability.

This initiative aims also to collaborate and align with other similar efforts, such as Horizon 2020 Buildings as Material Banks (BAMB) project and the DOEN Foundation-supported Healthy Printing initiative.

Phase 1: Demonstrating the demand

  • The mission | For the 1st phase of this project, the Ministry of Economy of Luxembourg designated +ImpaKT to coordinate the activities to get leading players together in order to demonstrate demand for Standardized Circularity Datasets.
  • The outcomes |
    • Two dedicated working groups (Datasets Working Group (DWG) & Stakeholders Group) were formed and include key industry stakeholders. The Datasets Working Group will develop standardized circularity datasets & methods and the Stakeholders Group will follow progress & pilot datasets.
    • The need for standardized circularity datasets was reflected by the high participation rate observed through the engagement process. Around 100 manufacturing related organizations expressed their interest in the initiative and more than 50% of these actors joined the two working groups.
  • Duration | August 2018 – February 2019
  • Partners | EPEA Nederland and Douglas Mulhall

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