Circulab Training for BPI Luxembourg

Client : BPI Luxembourg
Période : 2019
circular economy training

In January 2019, +ImpaKT organised a circular economy training at BPI Luxembourg in Strassen.

BPI is a real estate developer operating in Belgium, Poland and Luxembourg. BPI Luxembourg has built up a reputation over the last 30 years as a leading real estate developer in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, providing high-quality architecture, sustainability, bespoke services, client assistance, environmental friendliness and social responsibility.

BPI’s developments feature an innovative and environmentally-responsible approach that incorporates social and energy aspects as well as construction and technological elements from the early stages of its projects, in order to create pleasant and harmonious living environments. In that regard, BPI Luxembourg is interested in integrating a circular economy (CE) approach in their project development.

Through the Circulab Training, the participants’ awareness of key CE principles was raised and new strategies were explored in order to make the transition towards a dynamic circular built environment with positive impacts.





Photo: view of the new residential building Livingstone II (


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