IOTA – Exploring the Potential of a Digital Product Passport (DPP) in European Defence

Client : European Defence Agency
Période : 2023

The European Defence Agency (EDA) launched the Incubation Forum for Circular Economy in European Defence (IF CEED) to integrate circular economy (CE) principles into the defence sector and align with the EU’s Green Deal objectives. As part of this initiative, +ImpaKT contributed to the IOTA study, which assessed the feasibility of integrating Digital Product Passport (DPP)-like systems into defence supply chains.

The study aimed to analyze existing sustainability data-sharing initiatives in Europe and evaluate their technical, organizational, and legal feasibility within the defence sector, considering constraints such as data security and export regulations.

+ImpaKT’s contributions included:

  • Analyzing the current landscape of DPP-like data-sharing schemes in both civilian and defence sectors.
  • Evaluating key incentives and challenges for stakeholders across defence supply chains to implement a DPP solution.
  • Assessing relevant legislation, including export controls and the Waste Framework Directive, in relation to a Defence Product Passport.
  • Defining preliminary high-level requirements for a secure data-sharing system in defence.
  • Identifying  and describing two potential use cases for a DPP in defence

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